Bonfire Night is upon us and many are excited to see the return of some organised professional firework displays. People are urged to “think twice” before hosting their own Bonfire Night displays after NHS Digital figures show that at...
The death of a loved one can be a difficult time. Family members are often left to arrange funerals and to ensure that the deceased’s affairs are put in order. It is important to family members to fulfil the deceased’s wishes. On occasion,...
You are a parent or someone with parental responsibility of a child who has received a letter from Children’s Services inviting you to the pre-proceedings process, but what exactly does this mean? When Children’s Services are concerned...
It has been reported that in a recent employment tribunal decision, an apprentice hairdresser, who alleged that she had been sworn at, been called “dimlow” and had been told to “grow up” and “pull herself together” by...
Land is contaminated when there are polluting substances in, on or under the land. This may mean that the substances have been left in buildings or on land or that the substances are buried in the ground. Every local authority has a duty under Part 2A of...
Children’s guardians are appointed by the court to represent children within care proceedings (local authorities can start ‘ care proceedings ’ if they’re very worried about a child and can apply for a ‘ care order ’...
Artificial intelligence is the development of computer systems which are able to perform tasks which would ordinarily require a human to do. This can be in a wide range of forms such as speech recognition, decision making, and visual perception. It is easy...
From 11 November 2021, it will be a legal requirement for registered persons, namely those registered as providers and managers with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), to ensure that only people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are permitted to...
It was recently reported that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) prosecuted the registered provider of a residential care home for people with physical and learning disabilities, and those with acquired brain injuries for a failure to provide safe care...
Your GP surgery is usually your first port of call when you start to suffer from any medical symptoms and the recent covid pandemic has highlighted how important it is, in certain circumstances, to be able to see your GP for a face-to-face appointment. As...
As the country slowly recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic the impact on NHS waiting lists is becoming increasingly apparent. As a direct result of shutdowns of medical services over the last 18 months, the NHS faces now a huge backlog of...
Welsh Trading Standards teams have been working with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as part of ‘Operation CeCe’, a national Trading Standards initiative, targeting illegal tobacco products. Recent raids carried out across Wales saw not...
As the previous restrictions preventing any creditor from presenting a winding up petition to the court expired on 30 September 2021, new legislation has now been put in place, in a further effort to reduce the number of companies being wound up by the...
It has now been four months since the government changes to low value road traffic accident claims were introduced, and the Official Injury Claims (OIC) website launched, on 31 st May 2021. The changes not only reduced the amount of compensation due...
Today marks the first anniversary of Cauda Equina Awareness Day, a condition which most of us have probably never heard of yet for those who have had the condition, they are living with life changing injuries as a result of it. Cauda...