One of the main reasons that a business will face difficulties or have to pay significant costs in defending a discrimination claim from a customer/service user, is because they do not engage with a complaint or letter before action when it is...
Indirect discrimination will not be deemed unlawful under the Equality Act 2010 if an organisation/person can show that there was a good enough reason for applying a particular provision, criterion or practice. This is called the objective justification...
Discrimination is defined as treating someone less favourably because of a protected characteristic. The protected characteristics are defined in the Equality Act 2010 and are: race, religion or belief, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment,...
In a world where multiple generations are employed within the same workforce, organisations and employers must ensure that their business is inclusive, and ensure that they manage age diversity fairly and lawfully. What is age discrimination and when is...
The purpose of the personal injury claims process is to restore the affected individual as far as it is possible to the position they were but for the accident. Rehabilitation is a process of assessment, treatment and management by which the affected...
Fit notes have replaced sick notes if an employee is off sick. The requirements around the procedures employees need to follow around time off due to illness will depend on their employer’s employment policies and their contract with the...
For any parent whose child has been involved in an accident it will be a traumatic experience, and if injuries are sustained as a result of the accident this can have a major impact on the child’s well-being and long-term quality of life. Accidents...
From 1st January 2023, a new framework and handbook for inspecting local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) was jointly published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Ofsted. ...
This is a highly damaging investigation for McDonald's, exposing serious problems with its workplace culture as well as its legal and ethical responsibility to protect employees from harm. McDonald's signed a legally binding pledge with the...
The Court of Protection is a court which makes decisions or appoints someone (a 'deputy’), to help make decisions on behalf of a person (a ‘donor’) who lacks mental capacity. Anybody can apply to become a deputy; however, they must be...
The government has recently published an open consultation, ‘Visiting in care homes, hospitals and hospices’ (updated on 28 June 2023) which outlines its proposal for new legislation which would make visiting a legal requirement in care homes...
One of the roles of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is to regulate not only workplace health and safety but other bodies, such as education establishments. A recent prosecution on the 19 th of June 2023 at Southwark Crown Court, brought by the...
If you have just lost someone whether a friend or relative and you are wondering what the next steps are. This guide will take through the steps you need to consider and provide you with enough information to be able to carry out your duties...
There are various ways in which you can suffer injuries in day-to-day life. Sometimes this is a result of a genuine accident which could not have been avoided. Other times, there is someone at fault for the injury, who could have taken action to prevent...
The Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) has recently updated its list of eye conditions that car and motorbike drivers must declare. The guidance states that motorists must inform the DVLA of certain eye conditions affecting both eyes, or one eye...
Slips trips and falls can happen anywhere, but if you are injured in a public place through no fault of your own, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. We see many different types of accident occurring in public places and different...
The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023, which gained Royal assent on 24 th May 2023, will give eligible new parents the right to take up to 12 weeks paid leave, in addition to other entitlements such as maternity and paternity leave, if their baby is...