A case before the Coroner’s Court has recently been reported in the press because, as a result of mistakes by two hospital trusts, the great-nephew of NHS founder, Nye Bevan, passed away. The evidence before the coroner was that Mr Bevan was not...
A regulated activity is defined as “an activity which involves, or is connected with, the provision of health or social care in, or in relation to, England." Activities which are considered to be connected with the provision of health or social...
A remarkable case heard by Lord Justice Hayden sitting at the Court of Protection in London has highlighted the importance of going the extra mile to establish a person’s wishes and feelings, even in circumstances where a person may not be able to...
Our actions against public bodies team recently managed to secure a substantial sum from a local authority for payments owed to a special guardian. The special guardian was owed payments dating back a number of years. Under Special Guardianship Order...
The police, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), and other organisations, use offence codes, also known as endorsement codes, to classify offences. DR40, DR50, DR60 and DR70 are all codes related to drink driving offences. DR40...
Our actions against police team has successfully secured payments for clients who have been arrested shortly before attending a voluntary interview with the police. Such arrests can be unlawful on the basis that it is not necessary to arrest somebody...
On 14th May 2019, Ofsted published its updated inspection framework, which will be applicable to all education providers from September 2019. The new framework has been in the pipeline for almost two years and was under public consultation from...
On the 4 th June 2019 our staff had the privilege of meeting the wonderful Cheryl Jenkinson at our Wigan office. Cheryl is the corporate fundraising manager for the Greater Manchester area so what better way to get a real insight on some of the...
There has been an increased focus in the media on so called “gagging” clauses, often referred to within the context of “non-disclosure” agreements (NDAs). In actual fact, the majority of these type of clauses are found in ...
With the summer approaching, the wedding season will soon be upon us. As the concept of what makes a perfect wedding changes so has the approach of couples towards their finances and for many a pre-wedding checklist now contains the item “organise a...
Cervical screening (a smear test) is the best protection against cervical cancer. It detects cell changes which, if untreated, could go on to develop into cancer. About 1 in 20 people will have an abnormal result after a cervical screening - which...
It has been reported by Business Department research in 2016 that one in nine women had been fired, or made redundant, when they returned to work after having a child or were treated so badly that they felt forced out of their job. The study also...
The answer is “no!”. However this is a very common and potentially costly misunderstanding. The decree absolute ends your marriage but only a financial order can cut your financial ties. Without a sealed financial order from the...
With so many locations and staff across the country, plus an increase in patients, centralising information and promoting access to it has long been an objective for the NHS. NHSX was established, a new joint unit “to take forward digital...
Where a claimant is successful in a claim for discrimination, the tribunal will invariably award compensation for “injury to feelings”. The purpose of...