The no-fault divorce legislation has been in force since 6th April 2022, which can be processed online or by paper application. Here we will explain how the online divorce process works. Online divorce applications can be started by one person as a sole...
The final stages within divorce/dissolution proceedings is to apply to court for a final order, previously called the decree absolute in divorce proceedings. Once this is made, you are no longer legally married or in a civil partnership and both parties...
Family mediation is a process in which an independent, professionally trained mediator assists separating or separated couples work out arrangements for children and finances. Mediation can also be helpful when arrangements already in place may...
A legal services order is an order for one party to make a payment to another party for the purpose of funding specific legal services. This is also known as a legal services payment order (LSPO). Due to public funding cuts, many people do not now qualify...
Is divorce different for farmers? The short answer is yes! Divorce can already be an emotive and challenging time. The addition of a farm or land being added, results in an extra layer of complexity both from a legal perspective but also a...
When a relationship ends, communication often breaks down. Even if a divorce starts off with both parties on good terms, discussing financial settlements can create tension. When it comes to important issues about children, parents might think the only...
These figures from the ONS stem from 2022, leaning out of the pandemic and into a cost-of-living crisis. We know that financial pressures and income concerns have led to many couples delaying the divorce process. What was once a reason to get to...
The court often sees parents make repeated applications in relation to their children, not because they believe that those applications are in the child’s interest, but because they use the repeated applications as a continuous form of control,...
For many people a pet is another member of their family unit. As a result, it can be a very emotional and difficult decision as to how the future care of any pet shall be determined when couples separate. With pet ownership...
6th April 2023 marked new CGT legislation that enables those going through divorce or civil partnership dissolution significant assistance in separating their assets as tax efficiently as possible. Capital gains tax (CGT) can arise on the...
The first letter anyone receives from a solicitor is so important – and without a doubt this cannot be more truthful than when a relationship is ending. It brings with it through your letter box, all the emotion and realisation that you are actually...
The pandemic exposed the fault lines in many relationships. Financial pressures, job worries and the disturbance of traditional support structures, resulted in many couples very quickly reaching breaking point. In 2021, as the shadow of covid slowly...
A no-fault, or no-blame divorce is a much more straightforward and amicable approach to separation in that couples can now file for divorce or civil partnership dissolution without having to place the blame on their former partner to prove the...
Prenuptial agreements take the form of a written agreement between a couple prior to their marriage. The purpose of a prenup is to set out ownership of all of the couple’s belongings (assets, money and property) and explains how these...
Emma Roberts , associate solicitor specialises in family law . Here she offers advice around the legal responsibilities of co-parents during the coronavirus pandemic. It can be difficult at the best of times to agree and maintain child...
It can be difficult at the best of times to agree and maintain child arrangements , however we understand this can significantly increase when the government advises everyone to practice voluntary quarantine and schools close. We have put together some...
With the summer approaching, the wedding season will soon be upon us. As the concept of what makes a perfect wedding changes so has the approach of couples towards their finances and for many a pre-wedding checklist now contains the item “organise a...
The answer is “no!”. However this is a very common and potentially costly misunderstanding. The decree absolute ends your marriage but only a financial order can cut your financial ties. Without a sealed financial order from the...
Coming to a decision to separate, get divorced or having that decision announced to you, has many consequences and will bring many reactions and emotions, as with any other loss. Whilst the end of a relationship can for some understandably be...