It is often the case for many employees that they do not have one permanent place of work. It may be the case that your job involves you going to different places daily or regularly attending people’s homes, gardens, construction and building...
The HSE will, on December 16th, publish their latest statistics in respect of workplace related accidents, and health and safety at work. We all know that current legislation is designed to keep employees safe in the workplace, and that a responsible...
Possibly one of the most difficult types of case our medical negligence solicitors deal with is when a client approaches us for help and advice where a family member has passed away. These cases are always emotionally tough for the clients. Adding...
There appears to be no let up in efforts made by the police in tackling drug related offending, in particular county lines drug dealing. In a recent police push, between 11 October and 17 October: 1,468 people were arrested 2,664 vulnerable people,...
The announcement that UK drivers will be banned from filming or searching for playlists on hand-held devices from next year will be welcome news for many and goes some way towards making our roads a safer place for all road users. This offence has...
When a loved one dies, it is a difficult time for everyone. So when issues arise in relation to the Will and inheritance, tensions can run high. It is therefore very important to consider whether challenging a Will is the right decision for you. Before...
Autumn is upon us and winter is just around the corner. Due to leaves on the ground, dark mornings and evenings, low sun, and even ice and snow, accidents are typically more likely to happen at this time of year. Surely, slipping on ice and...
Cohabitation is a living arrangement where a couple who are not married or not in a civil partnership live together in the same household. The law gives cohabiting couples considerably less legal protection on separation or death than for married couples...
On 11 November 2021 the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021 (‘the regulations’) came into force. This follows months of consultations and guidance from the UK Government in their...
A recent episode of Channel 4’s 24 Hours in Police Custody dealt with a gradual, worsening feud between a father and a boyfriend which led to a fatal stabbing. Robert Parkins was convicted of Alex Fitzpatrick’s murder and received a life...
One in two people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime and prostate cancer is one of the four most common types of cancer in the UK. Prostate cancer affects the prostate which is a small gland located in the pelvis which...
Potholes are a perennial problem, they are hugely dangerous to all road users, but none more so than the most vulnerable on the road, motorcyclists and cyclists, who can suffer life changing injuries. In addition to being expensive to repair, they can...
UK Research has found that the HPV vaccine can cut cervical cancer rates by 90%. The vaccine is routinely offered to 12 and 13-year-olds in the UK, but those who miss it are still eligible to receive their jab until they turn 25. In 2019 the UK's...
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibre that was used mainly in the construction industry as well as other industries until 1999 when it was banned in the UK. Whilst it is now banned, you can still be exposed to asbestos as it may still remain in buildings...
Cyclists are incredibly vulnerable road users especially in the autumn/winter time with limited daylight and the challenging road conditions which significantly increase the risk of accidents, and can result in broken bones, lacerations, abrasions and...
The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 imposed new obligations on private landlords of residential properties . The regulations came into force on 1 June 2020 and they have applied to all new tenancies from...
It may often still be considered a taboo subject in society, but with the recent news that BBC Radio 1’s Adele Roberts, 42 has been diagnosed with bowel cancer, what are the symptoms to look out for? A change in your bowel habit for...
Lung Cancer Awareness Month takes place every November in the UK. The aim of the campaign is to encourage people displaying the common signs of lung cancer to visit their GP. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world and over 46,000 people are...