The recently published North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust & Anor v MB [2023] EWCOP 23 concerned a 26-year-old woman, ‘MB’ who was 37 weeks pregnant and shortly due to give birth to her first child. MB was detained in hospital...
Carl Johnson, from our regulatory team, has recently written some comments about the new General Medical Council (GMC) guidance that has been issued for doctors. Included within this guidance are updated standards regarding whistleblowing systems. ...
As a motorcyclist there are a number of steps you can take to protect yourself to reduce the risk of severe injuries on the road. Sectons 83-88 of the Highway Code contain ‘rules for motorcyclists’ and state that you must wear a helmet...
A Will and Lasting Power of Attorney are different legal documents that serve different purposes. Having a Will in place allows you to choose who you would like to manage your affairs after death, this would be your Executor and you can choose who you wish...
A deputy for property and finances is appointed by the Court of Protection, to manage the property and affairs of a person who lacks capacity to manage their own affairs. All deputies must act in accordance with the principles set out in the Mental Capacity...
In short, no, you do not need a solicitor to administer an estate however you may need to employ the services of a solicitor to assist you in certain circumstances, particularly if there is inheritance tax to pay, there are trusts or the deceased had...
Wilko has been a mainstay on the high street for decades and this announcement will come as a hammer blow for all its 12,000 employees. For those affected, either in stores, head office or in Wilko’s distribution warehouses, they should be given...
If a neighbours CCTV records onto your property the position is regulated under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and The DPA (Data Protection Act). There may also be a harassment or nuisance claim depending on the extent of the filming and the...
The Law Society has reported that tens of thousands of children are being left in limbo by a crisis in the family court system as a result of care proceedings and parental separation cases taking more than a year to resolve with data from the Children...
When a someone drafts their Will, they frequently appoint people close to them to be an executor. This is often done as the testator (person making the Will) trusts this person to action the terms of their Will, administer their estate and carry out...
Were you aware that the first person to be killed in the UK by a motor vehicle was Bridget Driscoll in 1896. Since that time, 5 people per day are killed on Britain’s roads, and over the course of the last century, more than half a million...