The law does not contain any specific provision for Christmas arrangements. The court would recommend that separated parents try to reach an agreement between themselves about who a child should spend Christmas with. The court system should only be used as...
Section 25 Factors
Matters which a judge must consider on an application for financial relief.
An agreement entered into by a non-married couple which sets out the terms on which the parties intend to separate. The courts are not bound by such agreements but may consider them.
Delivery of documents by way of post, electronic communication or in person.
Skeleton argument
A written summary of the main points of a case to be heard by the court.
Specific issue order
A court order which determines a particular issue relating to a child e.g. which school the child should attend or whether they should receive medical treatment.
A witness’ written account of the details of a particular matter or event.
Statement of arrangements
A form which sets out the intended arrangements for children upon divorce. The form is filed at court with the divorce petition and is not binding upon either of the parties.
A suspension of court proceedings. No further action can be taken in a case until the ‘stay’ has been lifted.
A court order which provides that a child should be supervised by the local authority.