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Failures in nursing care prompt daughter to fight for accountability following her mother's death

Failures in nursing care prompt daughter to fight for accountability following her mothers death

In August 2020, Patrica Arnison, 73, was admitted to hospital after fracturing her leg. Having previously suffered with pressure sores, an open cast was put in place so that hospital staff could review her leg and that she could receive care to avoid pressure sores developing. However, the cast was never removed, and Patrica’s leg was not reviewed by medical staff. After returning to hospital in October 2020, it was discovered that Patrica had developed a large pressure sore on her leg underneath the cast.   

Following internal discussions, it was decided that Patricia should undergo surgery and a plan was put in place that was due to be discussed with both Patricia and her family. Sadly, however, Patricia’s condition deteriorated and in March 2021, she passed away before those discussions could take place. It was determined that leg ulcers and gangrene had contributed to her death.

Patricia’s daughter, Elizabeth was adamant that the Hospital Trust’s negligence was a primary factor in her mother’s death.

“Whilst mum was in hospital it soon became very clear that something was seriously wrong. One of the main issues was this was all playing out during the height of the Covid pandemic, which meant that initially I couldn’t see my mum whilst she was in hospital. It was only once I voiced my concerns that they allowed me to visit. 

“I knew something wasn’t right with mum’s leg. Despite wearing a mask and remaining social distanced, it was clear just from the smell, that her leg was gangrenous. I just kept asking myself, how have they missed that?

“Naturally I was incredibly upset and angry. You go into hospital to get well, not for them to cause more injury. I wanted them to be held accountable. My mum fought and I was going to fight too.”

Elizabeth sought legal support in bringing a claim against the Hospital Trust and was put in touch with specialist medical negligence solicitor, Carla Duprey and the team at Stephensons.

“Right from day one, Carla was very personable and compassionate. She never pulled the wool over my eyes about the prospects of the case and what we should expect. I was so confused sometimes, I had nobody to bounce off, as it was just me and mum really. Carla gave me all the options.

“Dealing with the case was knocking me all over the place emotionally, I was getting angry and upset, I couldn’t draw a line under it. Every time I would read something about the care they provided, I would get angry and emotional.

“There was a time when we had an expert report come back, and I was devastated. The report basically said my mum probably would have died anyway. Carla immediately came up with a plan of speaking directly with the specialist on a conference call. I spoke with the specialist and explained that I was under no illusion my mum had existing health complications, but she had a number of years of life left to live. Memories that we could have had together were snatched away.  

“Without having had that conversation, I wouldn’t have been able to explain my side of the story. After the call he went away and amended his report. It made a massive difference to me and changed the course of the claim altogether

“I am forever grateful to Carla and the team at Stephensons.”

Following a lengthy investigation, it was established that the Trust was at fault for failures in the care of Patricia Arnison. Her family were awarded £45,000 compensation.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to the negligence of a medical or health professional, then we may be able to help you pursue a claim for compensation. Our leading team of experts are on hand to offer advice, so please get in touch with us on 0161 696 6165 or complete our online enquiry form and we will contact you directly.