Our consumer land team recently settled a case for a cleint who had been struggling to have his tenancy deposit paid back by his former landlord.
Our client entered into an assured shorthold tenancy with their former landlord in December 2008. At the time of signing the tenancy he paid an amount of £1,800.00 to his former landlord.
Under Section 213 of the Housing Act 2004 the former landlord had to place this deposit in one of the government approved schemes within 30 days of this being paid to them. The former landlord was also under a duty to provide pur client with a tenancy deposit protection certificate and the prescribed information in relation to the scheme.
After leaving the tenancy our client requested that his deposit was repaid by the former landlord. This request was ignored completely by the former landlord.
After seeking specialist advice it was confirmed that the deposit should have been protected in one of the government schemes. Checks were completed with the schemes and it was confirmed that the deposit had never been protected as it should have been.
Stephensons proceeded with the case and an out of court settlement was reached where the client received a total of £2,700 from his former landlord. Visit our tenancy deposit disputes page to find out more about how we can help if your tenancy deposit has not been protected by your landlord.