The difference between Lasting Power of Attorney for health and welfare and finance
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney, which are:
Lasting Power of Attorney for health and welfare
Lasting Power of Attorney for health and welfare enables the nominated attorney (or attorneys, if there are several nominated people) to make decisions on behalf of, and in the best interests of, the individual (known as the donor) in relation to anything that relates to health and welfare only when you no longer have the capacity to do so yourself. This might include:
- Medical treatment recommended for the donor
- Where they live or are cared for and the type of care they receive e.g. whether they have care assistance at home, or they move into a care home etc
- Their day to day living arrangements e.g. diet, clothing, activities or daily routine
Someone you choose to make Lasting Power of Attorney health and care decisions for you should be:
- Over the age of 18
- Someone you trust to understand your wishes, respect your values and stand up for what they know you would want
Lasting Power of Attorney for finances and property
Lasting Power of Attorney for property and financial affairs enables the attorney(s) to make decisions on behalf of the donor about issues such as:
- Money, bills and tax
- Bank accounts or financial products
- Property and investments
- Benefits and pension
This may include responsibilities such as using the donor’s money to pay for repairs on their home, do their food shopping.
If the property and financial affairs attorney is different to the person with Lasting Power of Attorney for health and welfare, they can discuss between them issues where there is crossover; for example, where decisions need to be made regarding living arrangements which have both financial and health and welfare implications should capacity be lost.
Why choose Stephensons to assist with Lasting Power of Attorney?
At Stephensons, we have a wealth of experience in assisting people set up legal documents like this and can offer expert Lasting Power of Attorney health and welfare guidance, along with financial and property attorney advice, to ensure things are done correctly and in accordance with your wishes.
Get in touch to find out more about Lasting Power of Attorney for health, welfare and finances by calling 0161 696 6238.
Further information
The advice provided to non-face to face clients will be through electronic or written communication only e.g. by telephone and email. Stephensons Solicitors LLP assumes no responsibility for, and shall not be liable for, (a) verification of mental capacity or testamentary capacity (b) verification of any undue influence or duress involved (c) the execution of any documents.