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Criminal investigation solicitors

Our criminal defence solicitors have been defending individuals facing every possible type of investigation for over 30 years. The team has enormous experience and understanding of the complexities of an investigation, the relevant legal procedures and rules together with vast experience of investigation tactics if you are facing investigation call us on 01616 966 229 or complete our online enquiry form and a member of the team will contact you directly.

Our single aim is to advise clients before they are questioned on both the case being brought against them, their response to it as well as the procedures they are likely to experience. Assistance is offered throughout the interview process itself. This is not simply a time for us to be making notes, but it is our job to pro actively assist any suspect by ensuring the questions put to them are lawful and proper, all appropriate rules are followed by the investigators and the suspect is able to put their defence.

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24 hour criminal investigation advice

Whatever the matter, however minor or serious, our dedicated and experienced team is ready to assist 24 hours a day every day of the year. If you are being accused of an offence or breach of regulation, contact us to see how we can work on your behalf to assist you at this most important time.

Types of investigation

There are many types of investigation and quite a number of public and private bodies that have special powers to undertake them.  Investigations can relate to an individual, a professional or a business. They can be in connection with alleged criminal offences or breaches of regulation or professional duties.

The investigator can be the police, His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, immigration authorities, the Department of Work and Pensions, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Serious Fraud Office (SFO), RSPCA, a professional body such as the General Medical Council, Trading Standards, Trade Mark Protection organisation, Environmental Protection, Local Authorities, Financial Services Authority - the list is surprisingly long.

The purpose of any investigation is to gather evidence. It is often the case that the investigating authority will have strong suspicions before the individual concerned is questioned. Those strong suspicions may result in the investigators concentrating on gathering evidence against the individual rather than being balanced, fair and open minded. It is therefore one of the most critical parts of any case. Things said or done during the investigation stage into any criminal or regulatory offences cannot be unsaid later and having such comments excluded at any trial can be very difficult. 

Our solicitors see many cases that on review of the evidence are very weak and would not be prosecuted other than because of some careless, mistaken or misinterpreted comment made at the investigation stage of the case. It is quite understandable as to why such things can happen. It is a very frightening and stressful experience for most people to face an investigation.

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Can people use AI to commit an offence?

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Understanding non-fatal strangulation: new offence update

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Crime reorder

  • Correna Platt
  • Sean Joyce
  • Duncan Phillips
  • Martin Pizzey
  • Colin Rawson
  • Suzanne Saverimuttu
  • Andrea Woods
  • Christine Hodge
  • Sarah Prior
  • Callum Gaydecki