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Delay in diagnosis - medical negligence case study

How long will my personal injury claim take?

“Having someone who listened with care and understanding made the world of difference to my clinical negligence claim

In July 2010, Mr. B underwent a surgical procedure to remove his right testis after a suspicious lesion was identified. Mr. B was told that this lesion was benign.

In September 2017 Mr. B attended his GP after picking up a urine infection. Though the infection cleared he was still experiencing some pain and discomfort. Upon further investigation, by way of a CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis, a tumor on his left kidney was revealed. Having reviewed the details of Mr. B’s medical history, the NHS Trust discovered that the same tumor was present on the CT scan taken back in 2010, some seven years previous.

As a result of the delay in diagnosis, the tumor grew significantly and it was decided that the only course of action for Mr. B was to undergo a left laparoscopic nephrectomy, where his left kidney was removed through keyhole surgery. Had the lesion been identified in 2010, it would have been treated by partial nephrectomy, and at least 50% of the left kidney would have been preserved. Mr. B also contended that earlier treatment and diagnosis would also have resulted in his life expectancy being extended by up to five years.

Mr. B began investigating whether he might be able to make a claim against the Trust involved in his care and got in touch with Stephensons.

 “I knew that the care I received was negligent and began to explore my legal options”, said Mr. B.

“I was put in touch with Stephensons and Tom Mooney, the solicitor acting on my behalf. At every stage of my claim, Tom and the team at Stephensons kept me up to date and fully informed. They listened with great care and addressed head-on any concerns I may have had. I can’t fault them at all. Just having someone listen with compassion made all the difference.”

“I would recommend Stephensons to anyone who has experienced any kind of medical negligence.”

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