It has become common to hear news reports about celebrities and politicians being caught out by the taxman. The likelihood is that you will listen to the story and then forget about it thinking that it does not concern you. Unfortunately you could be wrong.
It has been reported that 1000’s of ordinary investors may get caught up in the new tax avoidance crack down by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). Nurses, office workers and vicars are just a few of the many different people affected by the crack down. These people simply wanted to mitigate their tax bills legitimately but unfortunately this may now have gone wrong. HMRC is targeting people who have put money into investment schemes such as Ingenious file partnerships and Liberty which are suspected as tax avoidance schemes. Many ordinary people invested into the schemes and could now face demands for money from HMRC. Payment could be demanded within 90 days of receiving an accelerated payment notice which could leave many people in financial difficultly.