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When holiday high spirits end in tragedy

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When holiday high spirits end in tragedy

For most people, holidays are the highlight of the year and something to look forward to when dealing with the monotony of day-to-day responsibilities such as work, childcare and housework. Holiday countdowns are often what keep us going through the never-ending daily grind. There is something exotic about holidays abroad that makes us excited to the extent where we lose our inhibitions and become perhaps less safety-conscious than we might usually be.

There have been several stories in the news lately of incidents where tourists have been seriously injured or killed on holiday in situations where they have been enjoying themselves, as we are all perfectly entitled to do on our holidays, and have not realised the dangers involved in their chosen tourist activity. Reports suggest that, earlier this month, a British journalist died from drowning after he was pulled into a lake in Sri Lanka by a crocodile. The Oxford graduate was holidaying with friends and it is thought that he had been taking surf lessons when he left to locate a toilet and was pulled into the lagoon. Those who witnessed the attack were unable to help him and his body was later recovered by divers. It is reported that there had been previous crocodile attacks in the area, but none which had resulted in death.

In July 2017, an Australian man was killed in Phuket, Thailand, when he was parasailing and fell 100ft into the sea. The operators of the boat and parasail were both arrested and charged with recklessness leading to death. Again, this tourist was simply enjoying his holiday and exploring his adventurous side, when this tragedy occurred.

These stories, and other similar ones, are a harsh reminder that even when we are holidaying in exotic places and are in a very relaxed mode, we must try to remain aware of the potential dangers around us. Unfortunately, the operators of tourist attractions cannot always be trusted to take proper care for the safety of the tourists and we must bear this in mind when signing up for these activities. That is not to say that holidays should not be enjoyed and that adventures should not be had. It is simply a plea to consider the risks before embarking on potentially dangerous activities on holiday, and try not to get lulled into a false sense of security due to the tranquil and relaxed environment which you are in.

If you have suffered an accident or injury whilst on holiday and would like some advice, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 01616 966 229 as we may be able to help you.
