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Reforming the Soft Tissue Injury - Our Response

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Sepsis - new guidelines being published for doctors on how to deal with this deadly condition

The Government is proposing to make huge changes to personal injury and how we can claim when we are injured through no fault of our own - which includes removing all damages for people in road traffic accidents who suffer whiplash type injures and also raising the small claims limit from its current £1,000 level to £5,000.

The proposed raising of the small claims track isn’t limited to RTA cases but to all types of personal injury claims.

This would have a devastating impact on injured people and of course the personal injury industry, whilst people could still claim for injuries (unless they were RTA whiplash injuries) they wouldn’t get their legal fees paid, so would either have to represent themselves or pay legal fees out of damages.

As a firm we submitted a lengthy response to the Government consultation which closed on the 6th Jan. We won’t hear what the Government is planning to do until 7th April, when their decision is due. Read our response in full

If you would like to lobby your MP against the proposed changes we have prepared a template letter - Click here to download.

If you don’t know who your local MP is you can check using the following link, simply by inputting your post code - Find my MP
