The recent drama involving a plane bound for Manchester Airport has focused attention on the responsibilities of airline companies and airport authorities to their passengers and service users. The incident involved a plane from Knock in Ireland which had to divert after hitting a flock of birds in mid-air. Thankfully no-one was hurt in the end, but it could have been so much worse.
All public transport providers, from taxi drivers to international airlines, have a duty of care to provide their passengers with a safe and secure journey. When they fail to do so, the passengers, or their family members, may have a strong case for a personal injury compensation award.
In incidents involving plane crashes, whether the accident occurs in mid-air or on the runway, as in the tragic 1985 Manchester Airport fire, a legal specialist should be contacted to see whether a claim can be made.
It’s never easy for bereaved families to start the search for justice, but the loss of a loved one, especially if he or she was a bread-winner, must be compensated for. The loss of earnings alone can be a major factor in having to cope with a sudden bereavement.
The legal specialists at Stephensons are experienced in dealing with compensation cases involving passenger accidents, and are able to offer skilled, professional guidance in a sensitive, understanding manner. We will always seek to remove the burden from the client, and will seek the maximum possible financial award in all cases.
If you or a family member has been in an accident that was not their fault, give Stephensons a call on 01616 966 229. Just one quick call is all that’s needed to get the ball rolling.