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Medical Negligence Blog

Our medical negligence claims team regularly write about related legal topics and welcome your comments on our posts. If you would like more information on our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch on 01616 966 229.


Charcot's foot - the facts and medical negligence claims

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Charcot’s foot is a serious, but not very well known, potential complication of having diabetes. It is a weakening of the bones in the foot, which can occur when a person has nerve damage (neuropathy) in their feet. Diabetic neuropathy occurs due to...

Delay in the diagnosis of cervical cancer

Claire Stockley
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As we are navigate our way through our third lockdown in ten months, the upheaval thrust upon us by coronavirus is becoming all too familiar. The overwhelming demand on the NHS is reported daily in the news and many of us have had personal...

What impact will Brexit have on the supply of drugs and other medical products to the UK?

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The Brexit transition period is set to end on 31 December 2020. This means that from 1 January 2021, the government expects new checks and administration procedures at the border between the UK and France to create immediate disruption in the supply of...

NHS to trial blood test with potential to identify cancer

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The NHS have announced that they are ready to trial a blood test which has been developed by Californian firm, Grail. This blood test has the potential to identify over 50 forms of cancer by detecting molecular changes in the blood caused by cancer in...

UK organ donation - are you aware of the change in the law?

Claire Stockley
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On 20 May 2020 the law relating to organ donation changed in the UK. Prior to this date, those who wished to donate their organs were required to opt in, meaning that people had to actively register their intention to become a donor. Inevitably not...

Milestone in the development of Covid-19 vaccination

Tom Mooney
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The 9th of November 2020 was a milestone day in the development of a potentially effective Covid-19 vaccination with developers Pfizer and BioNTech reporting promising initial results from their recent trial. 43,500 people were involved in the...

Home-testing proposed for NHS staff

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In June this year, the President of the Royal College of Surgeons, Professor Derek Alderson, was speaking at the Health Select Committee meeting about getting the necessary steps and checks in place to get the broader NHS services back up and running...

A prosecution of an NHS Trust for failing in its duty of candour - a one off or the first of many?

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University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust has been prosecuted by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for failing in its obligations to be open and transparent. Elsie Woodfield, who was 91, died due to suffering from a perforated oesophagus during an endoscopy....

Funding a medical negligence claim - the options

Tom Mooney
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The funding of medical negligence claims is understandably very important to clients and, in my experience, prevents some people from attempting to access justice. I am regularly asked for reassurance from potential clients that they won’t...

'First Do No Harm' - A medicines and medical devices safety review

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The Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review has been published following a 2 year investigation into three medical interventions: Primodos, sodium valproate and pelvic mesh, interventions used on and by women. Primodos was a hormone...

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