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Medical Negligence Blog

Our medical negligence claims team regularly write about related legal topics and welcome your comments on our posts. If you would like more information on our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch on 01616 966 229.


Taking care of your mental health and wellbeing

Pam Thompson
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Good mental health and wellbeing are essential for living healthy and happy lives. There are areas of our lives where we can make simple changes to make a big difference to our mental health. Learn to recognise unhelpful thoughts – In...

Increase in delays of urgent referrals for suspected cancer

Tom Mooney
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The National Audit Office (NAO)  has this week identified that up to 740,000 urgent referrals for suspected cancer were missed by GPs in England during the course of the pandemic with one Oncologist calling the situation ‘the biggest...

Medical negligence cases involving the death of a loved one

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Possibly one of the most difficult types of case our medical negligence solicitors deal with is when a client approaches us for help and advice where a family member has passed away. These cases are always emotionally tough for the clients. Adding...

What you need to know about prostate cancer

Judith Thomas-Whittingham
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One in two people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime and prostate cancer is one of the four most common types of cancer in the UK. Prostate cancer affects the prostate which is a small gland located in the pelvis which...

HPV vaccine to dramatically cut cancer rates

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UK Research has found that the HPV vaccine can cut cervical cancer rates by 90%. The vaccine is routinely offered to 12 and 13-year-olds in the UK, but those who miss it are still eligible to receive their jab until they turn 25. In 2019 the UK's...

Spotting the symptoms of bowel cancer

Laura Owen
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It may often still be considered a taboo subject in society, but with the recent news that BBC Radio 1’s Adele Roberts, 42 has been diagnosed with bowel cancer, what are the symptoms to look out for? A change in your bowel habit for...

What does the future hold for GPs?

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Your GP surgery is usually your first port of call when you start to suffer from any medical symptoms and the recent covid pandemic has highlighted how important it is, in certain circumstances, to be able to see your GP for a face-to-face appointment. As...

The impact of COVID-19 on NHS waiting lists

Tom Mooney
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As the country slowly recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic the impact on NHS waiting lists is becoming increasingly apparent. As a direct result of shutdowns of medical services over the last 18 months, the NHS faces now a huge backlog of...

What is Cauda Equina Syndrome, and what are the symptoms?

Laura Sheehan
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Today marks the first anniversary of Cauda Equina Awareness Day, a condition which most of us have probably never heard of yet for those who have had the condition, they are living with life changing injuries as a result of it. Cauda...

Folic acid and neural tube defects - a time for change

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There has been a lengthy consultation by the Department of Health and Social Care who sought input and comments from industry, stakeholders and the public on whether millers should be required, by law, to add folic acid to flour. Following the...

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