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Medical Negligence Blog

Our medical negligence claims team regularly write about related legal topics and welcome your comments on our posts. If you would like more information on our services, please don't hesitate to get in touch on 01616 966 229.


People urged to use bowel cancer testing kit to help save lives

Laura Sheehan
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Bowel cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in the UK.  120 people are diagnosed with the condition each day meaning more than 43,000 people are diagnosed with the condition each year. Bowel cancer is a very treatable condition provided it...

Is it safe to see different GPs?

Tom Mooney
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The former Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has warned that the NHS is moving towards an “uberisation” of GP services, with patients being forced to see a different doctor every time they are in contact with a surgery. The former minister was...

The cost of living crisis and its impact on people living with disabilities

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We will all know that energy and petrol prices are going through the roof and I know that we will all be concerned about what impact this is having upon people. However, I am not sure that it has been fully appreciated what a devastating impact the...

Will vital lessons be learned following Britain's worst maternity scandal?

Judith Thomas-Whittingham
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The Ockenden Inquiry into maternity services at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust reviewed almost 1,600 maternity incidents over a 20-year period and found that a staggering 201 babies could have survived had the Trust provided appropriate...

More accessible GP appointments from 1st October 2022

Judith Thomas-Whittingham
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Prior to the pandemic, NHS England agreed that GPs would need to offer appointments between 9-5 on Saturdays and weekday evening appointments between 6.30pm to 9pm to make it easier for patients to get appointments. There has been much criticism of the...

Are you aware of the symptoms of ovarian cancer?

Laura Owen
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Around 20 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer every day. It is the sixth most common cancer in women, occurring when a tumour develops from abnormal cells in the ovary. Sadly, it is a disease that is often diagnosed in the late stages. The...

Should covid vaccinations be mandatory for NHS workers?

Tom Mooney
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Current government rules state that NHS England staff must have a first jab by 3 February and be fully vaccinated by 1 April 2022 to continue in frontline roles with the health secretary (Mr Javid) saying it is the professional duty of NHS staff to be...

NHS launches new apps to help tackle obesity

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Tackling obesity is one of the greatest long-term health challenges in England. Around two-thirds of adults are over a healthy weight. There has been a record rise in child obesity following the start of the pandemic. NHS Digital has published their ...

Breast cancer awareness

Laura Owen
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Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK.  The majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer are over 50 years of age, but it can also affect women younger than this. Whilst the risks of developing breast cancer increase with age,...

How should pressure sores be prevented and treated?

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A pressure sore is damage to the skin and underlying tissues, which is caused by there being prolonged pressure on one area of the body. Pressure sores usually occur when a person is immobile and has been left in the same position for a long period of time...

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