When London based receptionist Nicola Thorp was sent home from work for refusing to wear high heels to work, the media and general public shared in her outrage. Her employer, outsourcing firm Portico quickly released a statement to confirm that they had...
According to a survey by Relate, almost one in five (18 per cent) UK couples regularly argue or consider separating. The poll suggests that 2.87 million people are living in ‘distressed’ relationships; defined as when a relationship is under...
Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) provides the right to respect for one's "private and family life, his home and his correspondence ". In the case of Garamukamwa v Solent NHS Trust (Unfair Dismissal) [2016]...
This week we’ve seen Dementia Awareness Week supporting people worried about dementia. It’s asked them to confront their concerns and get in touch with the Alzheimer’s Society. A recent study by the Alzheimer’s Society shows...
Are you looking after grandchildren, nieces and nephews or other children in your family? I am not referring to the odd babysitting or for a couple of hours after school – I am talking about children who are living under your roof because they...
The recent announcement by the Ministry of Justice to introduce new corporate criminal offences addressing failure to prevent economic crime heralds a significant expansion in the potential for criminal liability for companies. There is to be a consultation...
Research which has been complied by one of the companies which provides insurance for landlords, Direct Line, has revealed that one in ten private landlords do not have a formal tenancy agreement in place with their tenants. It appears that an alarming...
Surely not in 2016. With legislation and rules protecting employees pregnancy discrimination should be a thing of the past. The recent Government run Equality and Human Rights Commission Report (published by IFF Research Ltd) of Summer of 2015 found that: ...
So-called 'lifetime tenancies' are being phased out by the government under plans to better utilise the UK's limited rented social housing stock. Under the proposals, social landlords - including local authorities - will now only be able to...
A sales representative with 25 years service has been awarded £63,390.95 by an Employment Tribunal following claims of age discrimination and unfair dismissal. Mr Alan Dove, 61, was the only member of the sales team at a luxury jewellers who was over...
This week marks ' Dying Matters Awareness Week ' which aims to give people an opportunity to talk about dying, death and bereavement. This year the focus is on the 'big conversation’. The aim is to encourage people to plan for the...
A recent ombudsman report has been concluded that NHS patients in England are being sent home afraid and with little support following investigations into unsafe discharge from hospital. There were said to be 211 complaints of that nature made in one year...
In light of the recent tragic event in Harlow in Essex how confident are you that you are fully covered for any Health and Safety incidents in your day nursery? Tragically a seven year old girl was killed a few weeks ago when a bouncy castle blew away during...
Deepmind, a company owned by Google, has been given access to the private healthcare records of up to 1.6 million patients from Barnet, Chase Farm and Royal Free hospitals. This information is being provided as part of an agreement with the Royal Free Trust...
A new bill, currently being considered by Parliament, will mean private landlords are subject to further regulation relating to the safety of their properties. Already, private landlords have to comply with a wealth of statutory obligations to ensure their...
What should an early years nursery do when facing criticism or action by Ofsted following an inspection? Nurseries can often feel threatened and take exception to the assessment. This can result in spending excessive amounts of time on fighting a relatively...