What has your business done to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not happening in its operations or supply chain – and are you ready to publish your first legally-required Modern Slavery Act 2015 statement (MSA)? The legislation now requires any...
Are you a “common law” husband or wife? If you are, you might be thinking that because you have been living together for a couple of years that you have protected yourself legally and financially. You might think that all is well,...
A simple Google search highlights the extent and growth of the litigation funding marketplace with each company vying for your custom. Burford Capital is the latest example of a large litigation financer entering the English market by announcing a...
Following a company liquidation the Insolvency Service will consider whether to investigate the conduct of the company directors. Ordinarily, the Insolvency Service will write to the director to inform them that following the obligatory report from the...
There have been several reports in the media lately concerning a rise in complaints of sexual harassment. This unwanted conduct can include wolf-whistling, winking, comments referring to somebody’s attractiveness, gestures regarding somebody’s...
The annual possession statistics have been published and once again it is said that possession cases are going down. Whilst the amount of possession cases started at court have fallen (hardly a surprise given a hike in the issue fee), the number of...
As of April 2016, there are a number of changes being implemented by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) which will affect all nurses and midwives currently registered in the United Kingdom. One of the most important new changes is the...
The Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, is due to announce that all deaths in hospital will, from 2018, be examined by a second doctor who was unconnected to the deceased’s care. This move is intended to improve care and to provide answers to bereaved...
At Stephensons, we provide expert legal advice to a wide array of individuals who are looking to take advantage of the Help to Buy scheme to get a mortgage on a new property. Would-be homeowners can also to take advantage of a Help to Buy ISA to get on...
In late 2015, the government launched the Help to Buy ISA scheme, which will provide house-hunters with a boost toward their cash deposit if they are able to meet a suitable level of saving. As experts in residential conveyancing , we regularly help...
The Economist has updated its 'glass ceiling' ranking of the 34 countries which form the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. While Nordic countries such as Iceland and Sweden have been ranked as among the best places in the...
The number of social housing developments in England receiving planning permission has increased according to a recent report. The total figure for English social home planning approvals in Q1 2015 was 5,800 – a seven per cent increase on the same...
In recent interviews this week Sir Elton John has made a very public announcement that he only intends on leaving a very small amount of his £200m fortune to his two children Zachary and Elijah. His reasons for this appear to be very grounded and...
Research shows that one in ten local authorities across England and Wales are using new powers introduced under the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 to criminalise homelessness. Local authorities are using Public Spaces Protections Orders...
Many businesses struggle with obtaining payment of their invoices at this time of year. Maintaining cash flow is an important part of ensuring the successful management and trading of many SMEs. At Stephensons we have a range of services available to assist...