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Ankle and foot injuries at work - broken ankle & ankle ligament claims

Suffering an ankle or foot injury at work can have a big impact on your daily life as you recover and can even leave you with permanent damage or weakness in some cases. Whether you sustain a toe injury at work, suffer a fractured foot bone injury at work, badly strain or sprain your ankle or any other type of injury that was caused by someone else or your employer’s negligence, you might be able to claim compensation for what has happened to you.

All employers are legally obliged to provide a workplace that is safe for their employees to do their job. Part of their responsibility includes assessing potential risks and hazards and putting in place health and safety measures to minimise these and protect workers from suffering avoidable accidents and injuries in the workplace. This also includes ensuring all equipment and machinery in the workplace is properly maintained and in safe working order. Failing to comply with health and safety regulations in any of these areas could mean that your employer is liable for any accidents and resulting injuries that occur, and they may also be prosecuted for breaching the legislation. If you suffer a foot or ankle injury at work because your employer was negligent in their duties, you could be able to claim compensation.

Get in touch with our specialist team to find out more about claiming compensation for foot or ankle injuries at work by calling 0161 696 6235.

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Common types of foot or ankle injuries at work

It’s possible for injuries to occur in any type of workplace, especially if the employer fails to comply with all of the relevant health and safety legislation designed to protect workers and minimise the risk of accidents at work. Some sectors may have more risk than others e.g. construction, manufacturing, agriculture etc, but every employee has the right to a safe working environment where all the required steps to protect them have been taken by the employer. 

Some of the most common types of ankle injury at work include:

  • Damage to the ligaments, tendon or achilles
  • Dislocation of the ankle
  • Fractures/broken bones
  • Damage to the ankle joint itself
  • Repetitive strain injury to the ankle  – from having to work in an uncomfortable position for long periods or being required to move your ankle or foot repeatedly in a way that causes strain
  • Some common types of foot injury at work include:
  • Broken bones in the foot or toes
  • Dislocated toe(s)
  • Crush injuries

Any injury can be painful and inconvenient to deal with, but ankle and foot injuries especially will also usually result in reduced mobility while you recover, which can cause real problems for you and any dependants. If you are unable to work for a period of time, or if the damage done to your ankle or foot causes permanent problems, you will also need to make adjustments to ‘normal’ life as well as dealing with the financial considerations. This is all on top of the stress and worry that you may feel about the uncertainty ahead and the recovery level that you’re expected to reach. If your employer is liable for the incident that caused your injury, making a successful claim for your foot or ankle injury at work can result in financial peace of mind for you and your loved ones, as well as making a real difference with practical aspects and requirements.

How much compensation can I expect for an ankle injury at work?

The amount of money awarded for ankle injury at work compensation will depend on the individual circumstances of your case and the severity of the injury. The impact that the injury has had and will have on your life is also taken into account. 

Our expert team can assess your claim and estimate the amount of compensation that you’re likely to receive for a successful claim. Get in touch today on 0161 696 6235.

How much compensation can I expect for a foot injury at work?

As with any kind of injury claim, the amount of compensation you might be awarded will depend on a variety of factors. These include the seriousness of the injury and what that means for your life and ability to work, both now and in the future. The more severe foot injuries, that leave long term or permanent damage and have a significant impact on mobility and quality of life are likely to result in a larger pay out of compensation than foot injuries from which you are likely to make a full recovery in time. 

Compensation for workplace injuries takes into account not only the injury itself, but also any financial implications and losses, such as missed wages whilst you recover. 

Most foot and ankle injury at work claims can be carried out by Stephensons on a no win, no fee basis (also referred to as a conditional fee agreement or a CFA), which means that if your claim is not successful, there will be no legal fees for you to pay. 

If you want more information about claiming compensation for an ankle or foot injury at work, get in touch with our specialist team by calling 0161 696 6235.

Why choose Stephensons for your foot or ankle injury at work claim?

Stephensons have a dedicated team for accident at work claims, including ankle and foot injuries suffered in the workplace. Our team’s specialist knowledge and experience in these types of claims means that we’re ideally placed to help with your case and we always strive to achieve the best possible outcome for every client, whatever industry or sector you work in.

Get in touch by calling 0161 696 6235 to find out more about how we can help you with your foot or ankle injury at work claim.

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